
Student Privacy

Oak Grove School cares about the privacy of our students' data. We work hard to operate and maintain compliant with the Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA).

Soppa went into went into effect on July 1, 2021. The Act indicates that Oak Grove School can share information (i.e. names, DOBS, grade levels, etc) with third-party companies such as PowerSchool, Pearson, i-Ready, etc. SOPPA addresses the protections that these companies must have in place to ensure student data is not sold or given away. Any company that Oak Grove shares data with must enter into a Data Privacy Agreement, indicating what data will be stored, the safeguards in place, what the company is permitted to do with the data, and expected actions in the event of a data breach.

Please click here for a list of vendors with whom we share data

Please click here to view SOPPA Parents' Rights

Please click here to read about the Dec. 2024 PowerSchool Data Breach

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