What is Harassment?
Harassment is a form of discrimination. It is any behavior that is directed at and is offensive to an individual, or group based on that individual's or group's race, or culture, or ethnic, national or aboriginal origin, sexual orientation or gender identification, etc. Such behavior may be verbal, physical, deliberate, or unsolicited. It may be one incident or a series of incidents.
What is Sexual Harassment?
Sexual Harassment is any...
- Objectionable, coercive, or irritating comment, communication, action, or attention of a sexual nature that is directed to a person or persons by someone who knows, or ought reasonably to know, that such is unwelcome.
- Action or communication with a sexual connotation or component that creates an intimidating, demeaning, or offensive work or school environment, even if they are directed to no person in particular.
Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to...
- Staring or leering
- Unwelcome invitations of a sexual nature
- Inappropriate or unwelcome touching or physical contact
- Suggestive remarks and sexual jokes
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