Definition, Key Terms & Actions Taken on Reports
Oak Grove School is dedicated to the social-emotional development and safety of all children. This includes the prevention of bullying in our school buildings. Bullying is not a "harmless rite of passage." It can have serious effects on individual victims and the general climate of our schools. Children who are bullied need clear messages of support from adults. Children who engage in bullying need help taking responsibility for their behavior. Prevention efforts include social-emotional curricula, staff training, explicit school-wide behavioral expectations, parent-teacher collaboration, and individual student support.
Even though we provide a healthy, safe environment for children to learn and grow, bullying behavior can still be present on occasion. Students are encouraged to seek the assistance of teachers and the building principal whenever necessary. In addition, we offer an online reporting form to provide all students with an opportunity to safely report bullying behavior.
Bullying definition & key terms...
Bullying behavior is when one or more students employ physical, emotional, or verbal abuse to make life miserable for another student. The abuse can take many forms from simple name calling to physical abuse to sexual harassment. Bullying behavior is defined by its intensity and duration and is distinguished by a pattern of repeated physical or psychological intimidation.
The position of victim is characterized as the object of bullying behavior. Usually, the victim has done nothing deliberate to invite such negative attention. In extreme instances, a victim can exhibit bullying behaviors.
Bystander behavior is typified by someone who "stands by" while bullying is taking place. Bystanders do not actively participate, but they are rarely neutral. Passive observing reaffirms the bullys power. On the other hand, bystanders have the greatest potential to turn the situation around.
Cyberbullying is defined as willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones and other electronic devices. Even though this form of bullying can be anonymous or distant in nature, it can result in the same level of psychological or emotional damage as traditional forms of bullying.
After a report is made...
- The reporting student(s) will be interviewed by the building principal.
- The offending student(s) will be interviewed and the extent of their involvement will be determined.
- Parents will be contacted and the offending student(s) will be assigned a school consequence consistent with the intensity and duration of the bullying behavior.
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