Soaring Eagles! Recognition Program
What is this?
A school-wide program to develop the whole child, promote positive behavior, and recognize the success of our students! Students earn blue tickets for exhibiting the targeted behavior/attribute for the month. In grades K-5, student names are drawn at random to choose a prize at the end of the month. In grades 6-8, students can earn tickets to use as currency at the School Store.
Why is this valuable?
- School-wide programs promote a positive climate/culture within the building
- Intertwines whole child development into all aspects of the school experience.
- Highlights student success for all.
How can families encourage participation?
- Review the monthly themes (i.e. commitment, kindness, etc...) at home.
- Continue the conversations around the monthly themes and incorporate them as a family.
- Encourage participation throughout the month and spirit week.
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