Oak Grove News
Weekly Update - 10/30/2023
A Message From The Superintendent
Dear Families,
With great pride, I am pleased to announce Oak Grove received its first Exemplary designation within the Illinois State Board of Education accountability system. This places OGS within the top 10% of schools across the state! Please see more detailed information regarding the designation and Oak Grove's performance summary through the email sent to our community today.
Oak Grove School experienced significant growth over the last few years as schools across the state were attempting to restore learning loss from the pandemic. The collaboration with our teaching staff, Board of Education, and families no doubt contributed to achieving this recognition. I am proud to work alongside each of these groups who remain steadfast in their commitment to servicing all of our students in the most optimal way possible. Way to go OGS students and staff!
In partnership,
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee - Family Survey
During the 2020-21 school year, Oak Grove families, students and staff were asked for their feedback in regards to equity and inclusion practices at Oak Grove. The information shared from the survey helped to guide the mission, vision and focus of the current DEI committee. We are reaching out to our families, staff and students again to complete the survey in order to see the impact of our efforts over the past two years and develop future areas of focus. Please take a moment to complete this survey by November 17. The DEI committee appreciates your time and values your feedback.
Message from the Principal
Congratulations Artists!
Please see THIS list of the students and Artwork selected for the LHS Feeder School Art Show. The opening of the art show is Thursday, November 16 from 6-7:30 pm (prior to the Band Festival concert). We hope you can stop by during that time to see your artwork. Additionally, the gallery is open whenever LHS is open --on most Fridays and Saturdays.
Congratulations with pictures!
7th grader Lucy T. and 8th grader Max G. Both students were selected for this year's Illinois Music Festival Concert Band!
Libertyville Fire Department 50th Annual Poster Contest grand prize winner Fatima S.
Behavior Presentation - 10/24
Thank you to the individuals who attended our in person presentation. For those of you who were unable to attend but are still interested in the information, please see the resources below.
Slide Deck
Mascot voting update
Over 700 students have voted and we will announce the winning mascot during our Soaring Eagles! assemblies this week!
Halloween - Reminder
For more information regarding the Halloween parade, classroom parties, and costumes on October 31, please click HERE.
Important Dates
10/31/23 - Halloween Parade begins outside at 8:45 am
11/1/23 - Picture Retakes
11/1/23- Supt. Chat 5:30-7:00 pm
11/9/23- Early Release, students dismissed at 1:00 pm
11/10/23 - Veterans Day Celebration (more details to come)
11/14/23 Board of Education Meeting; COW 6:00 pm, and Regular Meeting 7:15 pm in the JH Cafe.
Looking for information about upcoming games or events? Please check the Oak Grove Athletics Calendar
Superintendent Chat
REMINDER- The next Superintendent Chat is this Wednesday, November 1, from 5:30-7:00 pm in the Professional Development room. Childcare will be provided. Please click here to RSVP if you are able to attend and to let us know if you need childcare.
Curriculum Corner
Veterans Day Celebration
Veterans and current service members in our Oak Grove community are invited to attend our annual Veterans Day celebration with their families the morning of Friday, November 10. The ceremony will begin at 9:00 am in the Junior High Gym. Please park in the upper parking lot and have an ID available for check-in. The ceremony will be followed by refreshments and an opportunity to explore the Historical Artifact Museum organized by the eighth grade students. If you are planning to attend, please RSVP using this link. If you would like to honor a veteran and have their picture displayed, please use the Honoring a Veteran form and submit it to the office or your child’s classroom teacher. This event is open to veterans, service members, and their families. We are excited to share that we will be live streaming the event for all Oak Grove families to enjoy as well.
SEL Update
Grades K-5
Students have begun learning about ways to keep themselves safe in compliance with Erin’s Law. As students learn about how to protect themselves and keep themselves safe, try starting any of these chants at home and see if your child can finish it off for you!
- My Brain is the Most Powerful Computer in the World
- My Body Belongs to Me
- Ask Permission, Ask, Ask Permission
- Always go to an adult/guardian when your inner siren goes off or if someone tells you to keep a secret from your guardians!
Additionally, lessons focused on the phrase “If you see something, say something!” Bullying happens when bystanders do not report the name calling, teasing, or exclusion. To create the necessary change, students are taught to seek an adult or be assertive when their inner siren goes off.
In grades K-5, students discuss quotes during SEL time. The quote for this week is:
“Many candles can be kindled from one candle without diminishing it.”
Grades 6-8
This month’s Habitudes lesson focused on accurate self-perception. This is defined as knowing your who before your what. Many students shared compliments and positive character traits about their peers. In the next lesson, students will focus on empathy. The focus will be approaching others with empathy and understanding.
For more information, visit our website.
PTO News
Meeting this Wednesday
The next PTO meeting of the year is Wednesday, November 1 at 9:30 am in the Jr. High Library and on Zoom. For information about this meeting, please see the agenda and minutes from our last meeting. If you would like to cast a proxy vote for the Special Fund Requests, please complete this form and email it to the PTO Secretary.
Beware Scam E-mails
If you receive an e-mail from someone claiming to be a member of the PTO Exec Board (even if you are familiar with the sender!), please use caution before replying or following through on requests. We have been made aware of several instances that sound very believable. PTO Exec Board members will never request that you make a purchase on their behalf and you can verify email addresses by clicking on the sender’s name and reviewing the full email address of the sender.
Fall Book Fair
The Fall Scholastic Book Fair for elementary students is Monday, November 13 - Thursday, November 16 in the Jr. High Library. Mark your calendar for Wednesday, November 15 from 4:00 - 7:00 pm for Family Night at the Book Fair! Click here to preview the sale!
You can now set up your student's eWallet. Utilizing the eWallet is a great way to avoid sending your child to school with cash. Click this link for more information and instructions to set up your account.
We still need volunteer support from our school community to help make the book fair a success. Duties include set-up, cashiers, restocking shelves, shopping assistants & clean-up. Please log in to the PTO website and select “Elementary Book Fair” on the committee sign-up if you’d like first dibs on available shifts.
OGSEF Needs Your Help!
OGSEF has two spots we are looking to fill this year on our Board–now is the time to use your energy and creativity to help us make this year’s Gala a night to remember. Contact me at autumne.parrish@gmail.com to learn more!
Feeling crafty? Have an artistic side to share? OGSEF is looking for parent volunteers to work with each grade level on class projects to be auctioned off at the Gala. Contact Sarah at sarahfarooqi@gmail.com to share your interest in supporting OGS this year!
Autumn Parrish, President OGSEF
Virtual Backpack
Please click HERE to view the flyers in our virtual backpack. Flyers are updated weekly, so please check back often so you won't miss any of the events going on in our community.
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