Oak Grove News
Weekly Update - 09/12/2022
From the desk of Mrs. B
Mrs. B and Mr. Murray Talk Restorative Practices
Have you heard your child/ren reference a Classroom Treaty Agreement? If so, this is one of our restorative practice strategies currently being implemented at OGS this year.
What is a Treaty Agreement? A student-led treaty agreement is an agreed upon “contract” between teacher and students about the values, rules, and consequences for classroom behavior. Its purpose is establishing rules and consequences based on guiding principles or values that guide students in their activities and interactions together. The strategy involves student decision-making, input, and commitment to empower students.
8th-grade and two 3rd-grade examples:
Implementation of House Bill 0156
Last week, menstrual product dispensers were installed in all of Oak Grove School’s fourth through eighth grade student bathrooms. This installation occurred as a result of Illinois House Bill 0156, whereby each school district “shall make menstrual hygiene products available, at no cost to students, in bathrooms of every school building that are open for student use in grades 4 through 12 during the regular school day.”
If you have any questions regarding this change, please contact Jen Barnabee.
First 11:30 AM Early Release THIS THURSDAY
This Thursday, September 15, 2022, students will be dismissed at 11:30 AM. These School Improvement early release days are used to provide professional learning opportunities for all of our staff. This week’s focus is on differences and perspectives. Thanks to the connection between one of our DEI committee members and Elisabeth “Biz” Lindsay-Ryan, our Learning and Teaching Department has contracted with Biz to help us learn more about, “Why we need to talk to our Children about Race and Difference.” This is Biz’s TedTalk on the subject.
Libertyville Fire Department Poster Contest
It is that time of year again for the Libertyville Fire Department poster contest. This year’s theme is “Fire Won’t Wait. Plan Your Escape.” Each class will receive a First, Second, and Honorable Mention ribbon. A trophy will then be awarded to one person in each grade from each school. A Grand Prize will be awarded and delivered to the Grand Champion who made the best overall poster across all schools. The school with the highest participation rate will also receive recognition.
Austin’s Saloon will provide gifts to award-winning posters. Remember to follow all the rules and the theme, or the poster will be disqualified. The rules and theme are posted in the Virtual Backpack. If your child is interested in participating, please drop of their poster no later than October 4th for judging. For any questions, please call the Libertyville Fire Department at (847) 362-5664. Thank you!
Digital Citizenship Tip of the Week
Common Sense Media: What Should I Teach My Child About Safe Online Behavior?
Oak Grove Clubs
Oak Grove Club sign ups are here! Please take a few minutes to review the current club choices HERE. Please note that sign-ups are located within the slide deck or can be found HERE.
22-23 Clubs Slide Deck
22-23 Clubs Sign Up
SEL at Oak Grove
The theme for the month of September is relationships.
Please take a few minutes to view the September page of our SEL Website to see what’s happening. If you’re interested in all things social emotional learning at Oak Grove then please visit our website homepage.
Picture Retake Day - Mark your calendars!
November 2nd, 2022
Band News
Attention 5th grade families! One week from today is the annual Band Informational Night for families! We will be meeting on Monday, September 19 starting at 7 p.m. in the Junior High Cafeteria. Mr. Jones and Mr. Frankowski will be explaining the expectations for being in band, what the schedule looks like for students and going over rental information for instruments. This presentation is for adults only, students will be asked to work on homework or hang out in our alternate student locations. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Mr. Frankowski (frankowski@ogschool.org) or Mr. Jones (jones@ogschool.org). We hope to see you there!
Important Dates
9/12: Bus Safety Drills AM, 7th/8th Girls Volleyball at Deerpath 4:15-6:15 PM, DEI Mtg 5:30-7 PM
9/13: 7th/8th Girls Volleyball 4:15-6:15 PM, Cross-Country at Butterfield 4:30-5:30 PM
9/15: First Day of Hispanic Heritage Month, SIP Early Release 11:30 AM
9/19: Lockdown Drill 10:00 AM, Beginning Band Recruitment (Parents Only) 6:30-7:30 PM
9/20: Talk Tuesday 8:30-10 AM in PD Conf Rm (Parents Welcome), 7th/8th Girls Volleyball 4:15-6:15 PM, BoE Mtg (CoW 6-7:15 PM, Reg Mtg 7:15 PM)
9/21: Cross-Country at Milburn 4:30-5:30 PM
9/22: 7th Grade Girls Volleyball @ Northwood 4:30-6:30 PM, TAG Information/ Appeals Presentation 6:30-7:30 PM, Marching Band Festival 6-8:00 PM
Preschool Screening
Preschool screening will be held at Oak Grove on Wednesday, September 21st from 9:00 - 11:00 am and from 12:30- 2:30 pm. The screening is for three and four year olds. The screening will examine a child's proficiency in speech/language and motor development, as well as assess pre-academic skills. Parents with questions or concerns about their child's development may schedule an appointment by contacting Julie Waehner at waehner@ogschool.org
PTO News
Culver's Fundraiser This Wednesday
Skip cooking on Wednesday night and help raise funds for the PTO! Please join us at Culver’s in Libertyville from 5pm to 8pm. Please make sure to mention “OGS PTO” when ordering, or bring a copy of the flier from the Virtual Backpack. A special thank you to the Honor Society for volunteering their time to support this event and to Erin Liebgott for organizing this fundraiser. We look forward to seeing you at Culver's!
New Online Directory This Year
We have received a handful of questions about the school directory and wanted to assure you that our new online directory will launch soon along with the PTO’s new website. Watch OG News and the PTO Facebook page for information about how to log in to the PTO website which will house many exciting and useful features including the directory, a PTO calendar, take-and-go spiritwear store, volunteer sign-up hub and much more!
Free and Reduced Application
Families are encouraged to complete and submit the application for free and reduced-price meals, and for fee waiver applications. Both can be found on the District website for consideration at www.ogschool.org/business/parent-forms
The income eligibility guidelines for the 2022-23 school year can be accessed below:
Fiscal Year 2023 Income Eligibility Guidelines (ISBE)
If you have questions or would like to speak about this, please contact Steve Cummins, Director of Business at scummins@ogschool.org or 817-367-4120 ext. 2003.

Curriculum Corner 9/12/22
Curriculum Talk Tuesday
The first Talk Tuesday will be held on September 27th at Oak Grove from 6:00-7:30pm in the Professional Development room. During our first session, we will share information updating families about current Illinois State Board of Education mandated units of study, as well as the Sexual Health and Education standards and programming. We will also be sharing information on Oak Grove course trajectories in core subjects for grades 6 through 8 and the sequence of these courses through high school. Finally, we will discuss TAG services and the placement appeal process. Talk Tuesday slide decks will be available on the Oak Grove website after each session; there is no RSVP for this session.
TAG (Talented and Gifted) Committee
We would like to reconvene the TAG committee and also add any new parent members for the 2022-23 school year. The goal of this committee is to gather feedback from parents, teachers and administrators in regards to current TAG services, identify the goal and outcomes of TAG services and ensure that we are meeting the needs of our students. This committee is open to all parents, regardless if you have a student currently in TAG. If you would like to participate on the TAG committee, please contact Leslie Weber, Assistant Superintendent of Learning and Teaching at weber@ogschool.org. Our first meeting will be virtual on Tuesday, October 4th from 6:00-7:00pm.
K-3 Talent Development
Oak Grove School provides opportunities to enrich the development of critical thinking and creativity in our youngest learners through our Talent Development program. In its second year, all K-3 classrooms receive weekly lessons focused on convergent analysis, divergent synthesis, visual/spatial thinking, and evaluation. Once per week, the enrichment specialist, Bronwen Mosquera, visits all K-3 classrooms to provide a 30 minute talent development lesson using the Primary Education Thinking Skills (PETS) resource. If you’d like to sample an activity our K-3 students participated in last week and try it at home, please click here: Hexagonal Thinking.
Battle of the Books!
It is time to start the 2022-2023 4th-8th Grade Battle of the Books Competition! The permission form is due by Friday, September 23. Contact Mrs. Osterman in the JH library with any questions. See the Virtual Backpack for more details.
Virtual Backpack
Please click HERE to view the flyers in our virtual backpack. Flyers are updated weekly, so please check back often so you won't miss any of the events going on in our community.
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