Oak Grove News

Oak Grove News

Weekly Update - 08/21/2023

Mr. MurrayMessage from the Principal

Welcome back - what a great start to the year! It was a pleasure seeing you all at New Family Orientation, Meet the Teacher, and Walk the Schedule. I look forward to a wonderful school year! 

Information from the Nurses
Due by the first day of school: Kindergarten physicals, immunizations, eye exam forms, and dental forms; Second grade dental exam forms. If you have not turned them in yet, please email Nurse Jen or drop off a copy in the main office. If you have an appointment scheduled, please email that information to Nurse Jen. (Liu@ogschool.org)

Due by the first day of school: Sixth grade physicals, immunizations, and dental exams.  If you have not turned them in yet, please email Nurse Callie or drop off a copy in the main office. If you have an appointment scheduled, please email that information to Nurse Callie. (Johnson@ogschool.org)

If your child has allergies, asthma, seizures, or any other medical condition that may require emergency medication, please have your doctor complete an action plan to be given to the nurse with the emergency medication that will be held at school. HERE is the link to our website where you may find all medical forms. 

As a reminder, our classrooms are nut free.
~No nuts, peanuts, tree nuts or foods that contain nuts 
~No sharing of snacks among students

There are no restrictions on food items brought in for lunch. We ask that you remind your student not to share foods, utensils, napkins or containers with other students. We also ask that you talk with your child about the importance of remaining in their designated eating area during lunch time. If you would like your child to eat at an allergy free table, please contact one of the school nurses for more information.

For information on our Procedure for the Management of Food Allergies and Anaphylaxis click HERE.

Nurse Jen- (Nurse for K-4th) Liu@ogschool.org (224) 424-4727
Nurse Callie (Nurse for 5th-8th) Johnson@ogschool.org (224) 424-4728

Important Dates
8/21: First Day of School, Kindergarten Screening 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
8/22: Kindergarten Screening 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
8/23: Kindergarten Activities (see details HERE)
8/24: Kindergarten 8:20 am to 3:20 pm
8/25: Full Day for Kindergarteners; Kindergarten Meet the Teacher 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm
8/28-9/1: Aimsweb Testing K-8
9/1: Picture Day

Please see this link to additional dates for athletics.

Links to Important Information

Welcome Back Presentation

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Text Opt In pictureText Opt-in

Oak Grove is providing a new option to parents allowing them to receive time-sensitive text messages. Example notifications include late buses, school closings, emergencies, etc.

Please text YES to 87569 to “opt-in” to receive text messages from Oak Grove School.

Please note: text opt-in does not replace regular emails and/or phone calls. It simply adds another method of contact for short, time-sensitive messages. 

Oak Grove School District 68 Device Insurance

This year, Oak Grove is piloting a partnership with an insurance provider to minimize families’ risks for device repair costs.

Oak Grove’s current practice is to split the expense of the device repair with families and the district will also reimburse the family their annual technology fee – $25 for iPad or $50 for MacBook. Depending on the repair, current costs to the family range between $200-$400, or greater for subsequent damages. In line with past practice and policy, accidental damages are the responsibility of the family. This program can alleviate costly unexpected repairs.

For more information and to sign up, please visit https://www.ogschool.org/staff/technology/device-insurance. The enrollment deadline is September 24, 2023.

PTO LogoPTO News

Boohoo Yahoo Breakfast THIS Friday!
All parents are invited to join us this Friday for the Boohoo Yahoo breakfast starting at 8:45am at Old School Forest Preserve Shelter C. If you plan to attend, please reply on this Evite and if you'd like to bring a breakfast item to share, please sign up here. The picnic shelter is a covered outdoor structure so we'll meet rain or shine. If you have little ones at home you are welcome to bring them along and be sure to tell a friend or neighbor and bring them too! If you have questions, please reach out to Lynsey Wolfe.

Grades 5-8 Parent Volunteers Needed
If you are interested in volunteering with the PTO as a Grade Level Coordinator (grades 5-8), please see the flier in the virtual backpack and sign up here. Contact Julie Kovach or Laura Reutzel with any questions. (Stay tuned for information re: Grades K-4 volunteers next week!)

Spirit Wear Sale is OPEN!
The OGS spirit wear shop is open for orders through September 6. Items ordered through 9/6 will be delivered to OGS in mid-September. We are working with a new vendor who will keep the shop open year round so you will have the opportunity to order additional items later in the year as well. If you have any ideas for spirit wear items, please contact chairs Courtney Johnston and Christine Malkin.

Lunch Volunteers Needed
We are looking for volunteers to help distribute Marla’s lunches in both the Elementary and Jr. High lunchrooms each day. Dates to volunteer are currently open through Winter Break - please sign up!

New Family Night Was A Success
The PTO would like to extend a warm welcome to all new OGS families and thank everyone who attended New Family Night. If you have any questions following the event, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Thank you to chairperson Joni Kane for coordinating a fantastic evening and to our adult and student tour guides who gave their time as well.

Curriculm Corner LogoCurriculum Corner

Aimsweb Testing

Aimsweb testing begins on August 28. AimswebPlus uncovers learning gaps quickly, identifies at-risk students, and assesses growth at the individual and group levels. The assessment is given in both reading and math in grades K-5, and reading only in grades 6-8.

Curriculum Nights
Please save the date for our upcoming curriculum nights. Each night will kick-off with a presentation from administration in the Patt Gym followed by two identical presentations given by the grade level teachers. Childcare will be provided by our Honor Society students. We hope to see many of you there!
Curriculum nights flier

Fee Waivers/Free and Reduced Lunch

Fee Waivers and Free/Reduced Lunch Applications are approved on a year-by-year basis.  Families are encouraged to complete and submit the application for fee waivers and free and reduced-price meals.  Both can be found on the District website at www.ogschool.org/business/parent-forms.
The income eligibility guidelines for the 2023-24 school year can be accessed below:
Fiscal Year 2024 Income Eligibility Guidelines (ISBE).
If you have questions or would like to speak about this, please contact Kelly Mitchell, Assistant Business Manager, at mitchell@ogschool.org or 817-367-4120 ext. 2099.

Virtual Backpack

Virtual Backpack

Please click HERE to view the flyers in our virtual backpack. Flyers are updated weekly, so please check back often so you won't miss any of the events going on in our community.


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